Reach clients and manufacturers in the automobile and lifestyle industries through PRESTIGE CARS.
Besides the proven classical advertisements in the PRESTIGE CARS print magazine, we also offer the online equivalent on our web pages. The appropriate advertising format allows you to optimise your message format and content.

PRESTIGE CARS Advertising Rates 2012
The flexibility of PRESTIGE CARS also allows you to implement topic-specific positioning.
No matter how you like your advertising message to be communicated, PRESTIGE CARS is the correct medium for it.
You will find everything at a glance in our advertising rates:
Luxury car dealers and other premium retailers:
Please contact us with your specific requirements.
Publishing House
T: +49 (0)69 75 93 84 83 | E: adverts (at) prestigecars (dot) ch
Print Advertising Booking
print (at) prestigecars (dot) ch
Online Advertising Booking
online (at) prestigecars (dot) ch
Further information:
PRESTIGE CARS is a glossy quarterly bi-lingual magazine published in both German and English. With a core emphasis on exclusive cars, it is aimed at a wealthy, predominantly male audience aged 30 and upwards.
More than any other medium, PRESTIGE CARS relies on the creation of an emotional bond between its readers and the magazine. This relationship is based on the many and various ways in which the themes of “cars” and “luxury” are handled.
PRESTIGE CARS is positioned in the “Car & High-Class” segment, and is the only print magazine covering this area in the German-speaking world, as well as the international market.
PRESTIGE CARS is distinctive both as a brand and for fulfilling its role in its targeted segment. A passion for quality and the readers’ desire to enjoy the “best of the best” positions the magazine perfectly, and provides its USP.
Under the magazine’s glossy surface, readers will find depth and accuracy in the editorial, backed by stunning imagery. The readers in this premium lifestyle target group, whether exponents of discreet or ostentatious consumption, appreciate the exceptional quality.
Sections covering topics like personalities, finance, travel, accessories and classic cars are presented in a contemporary and appropriate manner.